Clinic Dispensing, Dispensing Solution

Every Day Is Game Day

Remember that sensation when you woke up in the morning knowing that later that day you would be playing in a competitive event?  Or maybe you woke up anticipating a performance?  How about that day that you had the interview of your life?  Remember those feelings?  The nervous energy associated with being called on to perform.  The pressure of judgment, outcome, results.  What did you do to prepare?

As a parent with children who compete and perform, I long ago began identifying with their events, their pressures.  It is a different sensation, perhaps a little more nerve wracking considering how little control I have.  However, I’ve realized that things haven’t really changed for me, other than some slight changes in attitude and perspective.  It is easy to find comfort in patterns and habits.  The comfort can camouflage many anxiety inducing activities simply because I want to avoid anxiety and pressure.

The reality is that every day is game day.  We wake up with the opportunity to perform.  We may view it as simply another day of patterns and habits but even those give us the chance to make an impact.  How are you preparing for your game day?  Do you eat the right things?  Get enough sleep?  Train properly?  it is easy and comfortable to avoid the notion of a “game day”.  Who wants the pressure?  Well, I’m here to say that embracing those moments puts a spring in your step.  Being prepared to jump in and make things happen makes life a lot more interesting.  “Leaning in” to the stress and anxiety determined to overcome, to win, is exhilarating.

So, you took a few moments to read this.  Will it be: rah, rah, blah, blah, blah or “hell yeah”!?  You make the call.  As for me, it’s game day!


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