Northwind Pharmaceuticals

New Year’s Resolutions

New-Year’s-ResolutionsFor most people, goal setting is a task that is often overlooked until the New Year. So when the New Year comes around, people make resolutions to do everything they wish they had been doing all year long.  However, these resolutions are often nothing more than wishes and have very little chance of being realized. Just ask any fitness club owner. Clearly, these “resolutions” don’t work!

So what does work?

If you want to make a resolution that sticks, one tried-and-true goal setting technique is the SMART method. SMART stands for:

S: Specific

M: Measurable

A: Attainable

R: Realistic

T: Time-sensitive.

Goal setting starts with making sure that your goals are indeed SMART.

Specific. A goal cannot be something general. It must be substantial and detailed. The goal must answer the questions who, what, where, when, how, and why. For example, if your goal is to lose weight be specific. Determine the amount of weight and set a time frame: 5 pounds in 6 weeks.

Measurable. Measurable means exactly that. Your goal must be able to be measured or quantified. In the above example, “weight loss” is not quantifiable, but 5 pounds is definitely quantifiable.

Attainable. A goal is attainable when it is realistic or feasible given your skills and resources. If you wish to learn to fly a plane, but cannot afford lessons, this may be considered “unattainable”.

Realistic. Realistic refers to your goal being “reasonable.”  Your goal must be reasonable or you will have no chance of achieving it under any circumstances. If you would like to get a 10% raise at work that is realistic. If you would like to get a 75% percent raise, that may not be.

Time Sensitive. “Time sensitive” refers to all goals having a completion date. This is what separates goals from activities; activities do not require an end date. This is a very important distinction between a goal and an activity. Putting a deadline on your resolution motivates you to actually make changes.

It is possible to keep your resolutions this year. Be thoughtful about what you choose and make SMART resolutions. Good luck!

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