My last post started a discussion on a recent process I completed with a physician to help him plan for opening a satellite clinic. This post continues that discussion.
Nuggets for new clinic development:
- Put the patient at the center – see Part 1
- Start small – see Part 1
- Model the new operation. Is it painful? Yes. Most people don’t like the planning process and putting a financial model together may top the list of dislikes. However it is critical. Make assumptions around expenses,
time frames and people. It won’t be perfect but it is your measuring stick.
- Describe the new operation – write it out. I know, I know. Who has time to develop a business plan? If it is important enough for you to invest your money, it is important enough for a business plan. Do it! Get help if you need it – there are many sources. The plan will force you to think through your assumptions and enable you to share with others for input. It doesn’t have to be cumbersome but it is important.
- Measure progress. As we were putting his plan together, I encouraged this physician to set milestones and approach it as a project. These “success points” helped keep things on track and highlighted problem areas before they became an issue.
Is this brain surgery? Clearly not. However, so many fail to take the basic steps. As President of PCA Pharmaceuticals, I talk to physicians every day that are looking for dispensing systems and pharmaceuticals. Smart planning always precedes those conversations. More to come.