If you’re considering adding in-house dispensing to your clinic, you might be surprised to know that no additional staff is needed. It’s true. You can add dispensing without adding a single bit of manpower. It can be usually be handled by the staff you already have.
So what are the secrets to success? Why aren’t all worksites, all universities, and all medical practices utilizing in-house dispensing? Not everyone knows what makes the difference.
Successful Dispensing Starts with Talking with your Staff and your Patients
To start, success at dispensing is more dependent on your ability to target and market your product than it is on selecting the right business model. It’s paramount that you talk to your staff, your providers, your nurses, your clinical assistants and learn what they talk to their patients about regularly. The truth is that while you shouldn’t need to “do” more work to make the in-house dispensing solution successful, if you aren’t in touch with what your staff is talking about with patients, you are simply not going to be able to provide the products and services that your patients need. Additionally, you need to make sure that your staff is bought-in to the idea of dispensing so they share your in-office dispensing option with patients.
Another element that will impact the success of the model is being able to turn the prescription around quickly so that the convenience of the solution is worth it for the patient. If a patient has to wait an extra 10 minutes to get a prescription filled onsite, he or she might just decide stop at the local pharmacy on the way home. To ensure an efficient system, many successful practices utilize e-prescribing modules. This allows information to get in the system quickly, the prescription to get filled immediately and be ready and waiting for the patient as he or she arrives at the onsite dispensary.
Talk to Us for More Information
Are you interested in learning more about the onsite dispensary solution? We’d love to share more information with you. While regulations state-by-state vary, we have tons of experience and can advise you on the next step. Contact us for more information.